Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture have been used for hundreds of years to treat immune, lung and respiratory conditions of all kinds. From asthma to allergies, coughing, hayfever, and both resistance to and treatment of viral and bacterial infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, and the like).
If you’re thinking ‘What? Wow! How can this be possible? And…
One of the questions which arises frequently for acupuncture treatment is – I have X condition – when should I come for acupuncture treatment?
1. Theres a famous Chinese saying you may have heard: ‘The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago: the second best time is now’.
Although Chinese medicine is…
Over the last few years theres been a considerable upsurge in Acupuncture awareness. It seems to be everywhere: Acupuncture for anxiety, acupuncture for insomnia, acupuncture for immunity, acupuncture for fertility! This is fabulous. Its really very exciting that Acupuncture has started to become much more mainstream in consideration for so many aspects of health, because…