Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture have been used for hundreds of years to treat immune, lung and respiratory conditions of all kinds. From asthma to allergies, coughing, hayfever, and both resistance to and treatment of viral and bacterial infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, and the like).
If you’re thinking ‘What? Wow! How can this be possible? And…
One of the questions which arises frequently for acupuncture treatment is – I have X condition – when should I come for acupuncture treatment?
1. Theres a famous Chinese saying you may have heard: ‘The best time to plant a tree is twenty years ago: the second best time is now’.
Although Chinese medicine is…
In Chinese Medicine, Spring is the time for renewal and regeneration. Its a time of new life, beginnings, and activity. Its time of yang, action and movement – time to get up and go, to do things and to clear out the old and redundant in your life, be that physical or emotional, energetic or…
One of the best things about Chinese Medicine is that it has never viewed the mind and the body as separate entities, to be treated and considered as mechanistic isolated parts. Each of us is a complete and whole person, to be treated and considered as such. What balance and harmony are, for each person,…
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, Im sure you’re familiar with the basic concepts of Oriental Medicine by now. Its become the latest topic of media coverage in health and medicine and is often a topic that sparks controversy and debate – which is pretty funny really since at this rate an Acupuncturist has a good…